1. The Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Derby 2008 runs from May 24th 2008 to November 15th 2008.
2. The Derby is open to anyone wanting to take the BP on that fishes largemouth and smallmouth bass in the great state of Minnesocold.
3. All Derby contenders must have a moniker or nickname by which they will be known.
4. Contenders are fishing to fill a 5 fish bag of their biggest fish caught over the coarse of the Derby .
5. Contenders "weigh in" by leaving a comment on this blog, with moniker, giving the details of either a fish, or multiple fish's weight or length.
6. The Derby is on the honor system, your word is good. No need for the hassle of pictures. But having pics would be nice to show off.
7. Weights can be taken from official tournament scales or hand held scales.
8 . Lengths should be measured on an accurate ruler with the fish's mouth closed and tail pinched.
9. Length will be converted to weight and Ounces to hundredths of a pound. Conversion table
10. Largemouth and smallmouth bass caught in the state of Minnesocold are eligible for entry into a contenders bag.
11. Fish from Minnesocold border states (ND,SD,IA,WI) and Canada are eligible to be entered into a contenders bag.
12. Fisherpeople from states other than Minnesocold and the border states are welcome and will unofficially be allowed to participate. Their catches will be posted, but they won't count towards being the Derby winner due to the fact that bass just don't get as big in Minnesocold as they do in points South, West, and East.
13. Bass Minimum length of 17 inches. Minimum weight 3lbs.
14 Weight will be figured to the hundredth of a pound.
These are all the rules I can think of for now. More will probably soon follow.
3/26 Bulldog, GOMH, and the Lake Place
Picture Kim took
Bulldog Access12:30-1:00pm GOMH NE SW
43-44℉, MS turning cloudy, 4-6mph SW
I drove Kim up to Pine Center to get her car. I ...
1 day ago
1 comment:
18" er was top dog this past weekend, hundreds of casts - only 6 largemouth. Still in pre-spawn, 49-54 degree water temps.
Drove thru your territory last night BP, said "Holy Family!!!" as I saw three guys fishin next to a Geo from shore next to the church??
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