Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ikeslayer With Another Cull

4.00lbs Metro Lake Football Jig
4.25lbs dropshot Lake Winona
4.00lbs dropshot Lake Winona

Total= 5 for 21.12lbs

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Final Cull of the Year

I got this 19.75" at the Grumpy Old Man Hole on a Crawtube.

19.75"=4.80lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) Crawtube
19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.25"=4.40lbs Mississippi River black/chart Jig with green pumpkin/chart Berkley Havoc Craw Fatty trailer.
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube

Total= 5 for 23.90lbs

BassMN.com I'm giving Carl a Limit

He posted about tournaments on Tonka and Waconia and his weights reflected three and a half pound fish so I'm giving him 3 of those.

3.50lbs Minnetonka
3.50lbs Waconia
3.50lbs Waconia

4.00lb White Spinnerbait
5.00lbs Strike King Rodant

Total= 5 for 19.50lbs

Ikeslayer with a Cull

4.00lbs Metro Lake Football Jig
4.00lbs Metro Lake Football Jig
4.25lbs dropshot Lake Winona
4.00lbs dropshot Lake Winona

Total= 5 for 20.31lbs

Rumor has it, Ike got a pig on a jerkbait, but I don't have official confirmation and specs.

Micropterus With His Biggest of the Year Breaks 5lb Per Bass Average

This pig went 20.75" and was caught from a float tube in October.


Total= 5 for 25.45lbs

Five Bass Cull From October

4.80lbs 8" LFT Worm
5.70lbs Watermelon Purple Dead Stick on the edge of the pads
19.50"=4.60lbs TT Dead Sticks, in the Watermelon Purple Swirl
19.50"=4.60lbs 1/8oz jigworm, rigged with a Green Pumpkin TT Finesse Shaky Worm

Total= 5 for 24.85lbs

Glenn Walker Reported 2 In Sept

No picture or other info.



Total= 5 for 24.08lbs

Rich with a Quality Cull from Late Sept.

I believe this was caught on Medicine Lake. He got it flipping a Yum Money Craw.

5.30lbs Medicine Yum Money Craw
19.50"=4.60lbs Smallie Island Lake Reservoir
19.50"=4.60lbs Smallie Mille Lacs
5.42lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 24.61lbs

Saturday, September 10, 2011

No Kidding, Holmer is Culling Twice

Jason Holmer of Minnesota Bass Fishing/Bass Utopia blog already had a 6lb per fish average and now all of his fish are bigger than 6. WOW! He still doesn't have a 7lber this year, so there is always that.


6.87lbs West Metro Lake Football Jig

Total= 5 for 32.24lbs

Friday, September 9, 2011

Web Guy Gregg Huff with A Good One, maybe more to come.

This one went 20" for Greg of North American Fishing Club fame and Fishing Club "First Cast" blog and podcast. Apparently he has more fish in the creel, but he hasn't reported them to me yet.


Updated to Add

Total= 5 for 23.69lbs

Micropterus with 20"+

Sam of Micropterus Blog details his catch here with pictures


Total= 5 for 24.55lbs

Another Cull for BP

This one went 4-5 and was caught in August at my Baxter Bass Snatcher Tournament on Fish Hook Lake.

4.31lbs Fish Hook TT Mad Maxx Frog "big sexy"
19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.25"=4.40lbs Mississippi River black/chart Jig with green pumpkin/chart Berkley Havoc Craw Fatty trailer.
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube

Total= 5 for 23.41lbs

Fish Chaser's 19"

19.00"=4.20lbs Spro Frog
19.50"=4.60lbs West Sylvia green pumpkin jigNpig
19.00"=4.20lbs West Sylvia green pumpkin jigNpig
5.56lbs Smallie Mille Lacs

Total= 3 for 22.16lbs

Rich With a Nice Smallie

Rich of Rich's Bassin' Blog got this one on Island Lake Reservoir where next years MN B.A.S.S. Federation Nation TOC will be held.

19.50"=4.60lbs Smallie Island Lake Reservoir
19.50"=4.60lbs Smallie Mille Lacs
4.31lbs Smallie Mille Lacs
5.42lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 23.62lbs

Monday, August 22, 2011

Have I Seen This Fish Before

Same length, same place(not same general area though), same bait, two days later.

19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.25"=4.40lbs Mississippi River black/chart Jig with green pumpkin/chart Berkley Havoc Craw Fatty trailer.
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man

Total= 5 for 23.00lbs

Bass Bloggin Adds Another

Bass Bloggin
4.64lbs Sweet Beaver

Total= 5 for 22.67

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holmer Dropping Bombs Breaks 30lb Barrier

He didn't quite hit 7 again, but it's very close. Also adds a 5+ and that makes him the first to ever eclipse the 6lb average mark. Jason Holmer of Minnesota Bass Fishing Blog, can he be stopped?

The story of these two lunkers here...

6.87lbs West Metro Lake Football Jig
5.37lbs West Metro Lake Football Jig


Total= 5 for 30.36lbs

Saturday, August 20, 2011

BP Derby GOMH Fluke Fish

Got this 19.5" at the Grumpy Old Man Hole on a bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke.

19.50"=4.60lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) bubblegum Zoom Super Fluke
19.25"=4.40lbs Mississippi River black/chart Jig with green pumpkin/chart Berkley Havoc Craw Fatty trailer.
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube
18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man

Total= 5 for 22.30lbs

5Bass Surge Culls Everything!!!

If you haven't been keeping up with FiveBass.com you owe it to yourself to get over there and see what he has been up too this summer.

5.70lbs Watermelon Purple Dead Stick on the edge of the pads
19.50"=4.60lbs TT Dead Sticks, in the Watermelon Purple Swirl
19.50"=4.60lbs 1/8oz jigworm, rigged with a Green Pumpkin TT Finesse Shaky Worm

Total= 5 for 24.65lbs

Friday, August 19, 2011

JoshDouglasFishing.com Gets Limit

This went 5.6lbs. He informed me that a double he was holding up on Facebook went 4.8 and 4.15

4.15lbs Smallie

6.60lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 25.85lbs

Updated: Josh added another 5.60lbs

6.60lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 27.30lbs

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ikeslayer with a Double of 4's

4.00lbs Metro Lake Football Jig
4.00lbs Metro Lake Football Jig

3.75lbs jigworm Lake Winona
4.25lbs dropshot Lake Winona
4.00lbs dropshot Lake Winona

Total= 5 for 20.00lbs

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Micropterus with a Couple of Quality Culls

This 20" was caught from a float tube.



Total= 5 for 23.80lbs

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

MN Bass Fishing Steps In the Ring

2 Time Defending Derby Champ Jason Holmer of Minnesota Bass Fishing and Bass Utopia apparently was unaware I was doing the Derby this year. He is now aware and has moved right up to the top of the heap.


Total= 5 for 27.18lbs

Quality Cull For BP!!!

This one went 19.25 and was caught on a jig during my pre-fish on the Mississippi River.

19.25"=4.40lbs Mississippi River black/chart Jig with green pumpkin/chart Berkley Havoc Craw Fatty trailer.
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube
18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man
18.50"=3.90lbs Platte Lake chart tiger Stanley Phantom

Total= 5 for 21.60lbs

Friday, July 15, 2011

Glenn Walker Triple Cull

This triple cull is a huge jump in weight for Glenn Walker. Good Job Glenn!!!



Total= 5 for 22.58lbs


Total= 5 for 23.18lbs

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Smallmouth In BP's Bag

I actually caught two 18.25" smallies last night, one at Mille Lacs and one at Shakopee Lake, but the one I got at Mille Lacs was bigger, so that is the one I will count.

18.25"=3.75lbs Mille Lacs Smallie green pumpkin Lake Fork Crawtube
20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork CrawTube
18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man
18.50"=3.90lbs Platte Lake chart tiger Stanley Phantom

Total= 5 for 20.95lbs

Monday, July 11, 2011

5Bass with an 18"@Poke

5Bass was up on Pokegama at Grand Rapids and got a couple of 18" fish. The largemouth looks bigger than the smallie, so I'm going to give it an extra .25 inches.

18.25"=3.75lbs Chiggar Craw Pokegama
4.12lbs Tonka Black/Blue Jig
18.00"=3.60lbs Tonka Tonka Tackle Dead Stick
4.02lbs West Rush Tonka Tackle Dead Stick

Total= 5 for 19.09lbs

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fish Chaser Double Dips at West Sylvia

Well ole Cyberfish and Bass Pundit fished a tournament together on East & West Sylvia(Sylvia/Twin) and Cyberfish of Fish Chaser Blog had himself a grand old Derby Day on a lake known for it's smallish fish.

19.50"=4.60lbs West Sylvia green pumpkin jigNpig
19.00"=4.20lbs West Sylvia green pumpkin jigNpig

5.56lbs Smallie Mille Lacs

Total= 3 for 21.56lbs

Friday, July 8, 2011

Derby Donkey for Dave!!!

This is my biggest Derby fish ever at 20.75". After fishing only topwaters I almost went to the South side of the Grumpy Old Man Hole, but then I realised I hadn't tried the Lake Fork Craw Tube. That is what you call a good decision. Nothing like a 2lb plus cull.

20.75"=5.50lbs Platte Lake(GOMH) black/blue Lake Fork Craw Tube
18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man
18.50"=3.90lbs Platte Lake chart tiger Stanley Phantom
17.75"=3.45lbs Sullivan Lake PB&J Yum Wooly Bug

Total= 5 for 20.65lbs

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ikeslayer Fills His Limit

Ike got out to test his motor and got a Derby Bass on Lake Zumbro

3.69lbs Lake Zumbro
3.75lbs jigworm Lake Winona
4.25lbs dropshot Lake Winona
4.00lbs dropshot Lake Winona
3.50lbs buzzbait Lake Winona

Total= 5 for 19.19lbs

Monday, July 4, 2011

Josh Douglas Adds Up

Josh informed me on Facebook this one went 4.70". Be sure to check out JoshDouglasFishing.com to see what Josh is up to as it's very interesting.

6.60lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 3 for 15.50lbs

Friday, July 1, 2011

Five Bass Blog Logs A Limit

Five Bass blog posts about Denny's Wednesday Night Bassin'

4.12lbs Tonka Black/Blue Jig
18.00"=3.60lbs Tonka Tonka Tackle Dead Stick

4.02lbs West Rush Tonka Tackle Dead Stick

Total= 5 for 18.34lbs

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bass Bloggin Shows Up With A Nice Limit

Another blog joins the Derby; Bass Bloggin.


Total= 5 for 20.98

Update 8/16/11


Total= 5 for 21.55

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Toad for Micropterous

Read about this beast here...


Total= 5 for 22.00lbs

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fishing Club "First Cast" First Bass

Sorry I can't figure out how to save the picture and post it here. See picture here. Anyway Greg "Lazy Ike" Huff formerly of the podcast blog "Twin Cities Limits" has renamed his show/blog a couple of times and now it's Fishing Club "First Cast". Anyway Greg says it's a 4 and we are giving him that.


Glenn Walker Upgrades and Wins a Tournament

Glenn Walker got a win at the West Central Bassmasters Open on Green Lake and he has a couple of Derby fish to add to his creel.

3.75lbs smallie Green


Total= 5 for 19.90lbs

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bass Pundit Reaches Derby Limit

This fish went 17.50" and was caught right up by the bank in some rice on a black Lane's Grass Pig in Bulldog Lake.

17.50"=3.30lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man
18.50"=3.90lbs Platte Lake chart tiger Stanley Phantom
17.75"=3.45lbs Sullivan Lake PB&J Yum Wooly Bug

Total= 4 for 18.45lbs

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ikeslayer Wins RABT Tournament!!!

Here is the account of Ikeslayers Tournament victory on Lake Winona...

3.75lbs jigworm
4.25lbs dropshot
4.00lbs dropshot
3.50lbs buzzbait

Total= 4 for 15.50lbs

Five Bass Blog With A Bass Club Tournament Big Bass

Five Bass Blog had Sunrise Bassmasters Club Tournament on East & West Rush. Tom landed the Tournament Big Bass with a 4.02lber. Good Job Tom!!!

4.02lbs West Rush Tonka Tackle Dead Stick

Total= 2 for 7.02lbs

Rich's Mille Lacs Culls

Rich Lindgren of Rich's Bassin' Blog got out to Mille Lacs for the first time and the smallies didn't disappoint. Unfortunately for Rich, his dad caught the biggest fish. Still Rich adds 3 culls.

19.50"=4.60lbs Smallie Mille Lacs
19.25"=4.40lbs Smallie Mille Lacs
4.31lbs Smallie Mille Lacs

5.42lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 23.42lbs

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bass Pundit Ads A Couple

Both were 18.5" top fish from Bulldog, bottom fish from Middle Cullen

18.50"=3.90lbs Bulldog Lake black Berkley Havoc Grass Pig
18.50"=3.90lbs Middle Cullen "Drag Stripper" Paycheck Baits Repo Man

18.50"=3.90lbs Platte Lake chart tiger Stanley Phantom
17.75"=3.45lbs Sullivan Lake PB&J Yum Wooly Bug

Total= 4 for 15.15lbs

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Micropterus On the Board

This is an 18" Micropterus got at Vermilion. He also added a 3lber on that trip and has one more bass that I know about.




Note- Two fish were given .25 inch deductions because the mouth in the pictures wasn't totally closed. Reminder- Fish are to be measured with mouth closed and tail pinched for the official measurement.

Total= 5 for 20.90lbs

Cyberfish With A Couple More 18's Fills Limit.

No word on where he was fishing or with what yet. I'm guessing he'll blog about it sometime this week.


5.56lbs Smallie Mille Lacs

Total= 3 for 19.96lbs

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sport With A Fish

Hellabass has informed me that SportSmithFishing.com got a 3.44lb, so Sport is on the board.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rich Culls A Couple

Rich Lindgren of Rich's Bassin' Blog had a couple of tournaments this weekend and put up at least a couple of Derby fish. I am sure he will be blogging about his tournament days soon. I believe he won at Medicine Lake, but the lake didn't kick out the monsters like it is known to do.

4.23lbs O' Dowd
3.81lbs Medicine

5.42lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 22.34lbs


4.23lbs O' Dowd
5.42lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 5 for 22.45lbs

Andy Rocks Fifth Five

He doesn't have the biggest limit in the Derby history, but he now hold the record for the largest smallest fish in a limit with this pig. It went 5.08 and was big bass at the Big Bass Bonanza Tournament on the Horseshoe Chain. Good Job Andy's Bass Blog

5.13lbs Horseshoe Chain

Total= 5 for 26.86lbs

Five Bass with 1 Bass

According to the blog post the bigger one is 17", which makes it a Derby fish.


Total= 1 for 3.00lbs

Monday, June 6, 2011

JoshDouglasfishing.com Adds A Fish

JoshDouglasFishing.com He has a report up from his Medicine Lake Tournament. He should have his O'Dowd Tournament report up soon.

6.60lbs (Josh Douglas Rule) Mississippi River

Total= 2 for 10.80lbs

fishwithmatt.com Actually Gives Me Something to Work With.

Matt Peters of fishwithmatt.com is a "big fish specialist" as Mercer would say. The thing is in the past he has been quiet about just how big the fish he gets are. Well he gave me the length on this toad @21", so Matt is on the board.

Here is another look at the same fish

Beauty Eh!!!

21.00=5.70lbs Mille Lacs Smallie
Total= 1 for 5.70lbs

Journal Of A Minnesota Angler With 1st Derby Bass

Congratulations are in order for MNAngler of Journal of a Minnesota Angler blog on his first ever Derby fish. You can read all about the catch here.


Total= 1 for 3.60lbs