Monday, November 10, 2014

We May Have A Winner

7lbs Even
It was caught out of Holmers boat, but Greg Huff caught this beast for Fantasy Fish Insider.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Andy's Bass Blog On the Board

Andy Nitchals got himself a good'n.  However, someone else fishing the tournament that night caught a great'n at 6.63lbs!

The looks on their faces, tells the story.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Jason Dudek With A Couple Of Mille Lacs Pigs

Can you tell which one is the 5.87lb fish?

The smaller one is 5.50lbs


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bass Pundit With A PB

So glad I had the scale along for this porker.  The scale showed slightly heavier than six and a half pounds, but I'm calling it at 6.50"  It bit on a swamp gas Grass Pig.


The Casual Basser with a PB Smallie

3.48lbs Mille Lacs lake, Jeremy got it while guided by Josh Douglas on Mille Lacs Lake.

Jody White With PB Smallie

5.37lbs from Mille Lacs

Jody may have gotten two bigger fish this year, but without a weight or measurement we will never know.

Rich Gets A 21Incher

Rich has a new blog address

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

We Will Officially Open For Business After Memorial Day

Until then here is a video of Jody White getting some big smallmouth on Mille Lacs Lake last weekend.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Derby Rules for 2014:

The Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Bloggers Derby is renamed the Bass Pundit Minnesocold Big Bass Bloggers Derby 2014.

1. The Derby runs from January 1, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014.  Fish caught at any time during the year can be entered.

2. The Derby is open to all bloggers and Bass Pundit Blog readers who catch a bass in the state of Minnesota this year.

3. There is NO minimum length or weight other than the fish has to be bigger than one you have already caught.

4. Only 1 fish counts in your bag and the biggest fish at the end of the year wins.

5. There must be a picture of the fish for it to count.  Pictures with the angler in it are preferred.  You don't have to have it next to measuring device.  See rule #7

6. Bloggers "weigh in" by:
     A. Leaving a comment on this blog or Bass Pundit giving the details of either the fish's weight or length and letting me know where there is a picture.
     B. Sending an email to
    C. Referring to a bass' weight or length on their blog (However there is no guarantee I will see the post so options A and B are preferred.

7. The Derby is on the honor system, your word is good.

8. Weights can be taken from official tournament scales or hand held scales.

9. Lengths should be measured on an accurate ruler with the fish's mouth closed and tail pinched.

10. Length will be converted to weight and Ounces to hundredths of a pound according to this Conversion table

11.  Largemouth and Smallmouth both count.

12. Bloggers from states other than Minnesocold are welcome and will be allowed to participate provided the bass are caught in Minnesocold.

These are the rules I can think of for now, more may be added later.